Dr. Sandipan Mukherjee | GBPNIHE

Dr. Sandipan Mukherjee

Scientist E

,Centre Head,Ladakh Regional Centre


Area of Specialization

Meteorology, Climatology

Hydrometeorology, Climate Change


  • M.Sc. in Atmospheric Sciences from University of Calcutta, India (2006).
  • Ph.D. in Environmental Science from University of Canterbury, New Zealand (2013).
  • Training: Climate Dynamics from International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy (2008,2009) .


Rainfall Climatology and Dynamics

Micrometeorology and Boundary Layer Meteorology

Ecosystem Carbon and Water Fluxes

Weather and Climate Modeling

Work Experience


Research & Development

G.B. Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment

June-2013-Till date

Senior Teaching Fellow


University of Canterbury, New Zealand, 2012


Teaching fellow


University of Canterbury, New Zealand, 2010


Countries Visited

    Itlay    Japan    Nepal    New Zealand    U.S.A.   

Awards / Recognition


NIWA Graduate Researchers Fellowship, New Zealand (2010-2013)

Member of the American Geophysical union (2011)

Member of the Meteorological Society of New Zealand (2010-2012)

Associate Fellow, Royal Meteorolgical Society of United Kingdom (2016)

Guest Editor, Meteorological Applications, Journal of Royal Meteorological Society, United Kingdom (2024)


Junior Research Fellow, ISRO and MoES, GOI, at University of Allahabad, India (2007-2010)

Life Member of Indian Science Congress (2013)

Life Member of Indian Meteorological Society (2016)

Early Career Research Award, SERB-DST, GOI (2019)

Academic Supervision

  • Status
  • Completed
  • Ongoing
  • Doctoral
  • -
  • 04
  • Post Graduation
  • M.Tech
  • 03
  • -
  • Bachelor
  • -
  • -
  • Industrial Training
  • -
  • -

Research Interests

Broad Subject Area Specialization Sector
Meteorology/Climatology Summer and winter Monsoon, Weather and climate modeling Earth and Environmental Sciences
Meteorology/Climatology Atmospheric Boundary-layer Dynamics and Transport Processes Earth and Environmental Sciences
Hydrometeorology Carbon - Water Fluxes of Ecosystems; Atmosphere-Land-Water Interactions Earth and Environmental Sciences


Sl.No. Category Numbers
Peer Reviewed Reports 13
Peer Reviewed Papers 35
Paper in Book chapter 08
Popular article 14
Technical Manuals 02
Monographs 02
Policy Papers 01
Google Scholar Explore →
Research Gate Explore →


Technical Skills
  • Instruments : Open path Eddy Covariance system, Hydro-meteorological instruments, Black carbon analyzer, SODAR, LIDAR based ceilometers
  • Softwares : R, Matlab, Grads, Fortran
  • Working experience in Linux based High Performance Cluster Computers

Extra curricular activities

  • Hobbies:    Reading, Traveling
  • Sports:        Football

Dr. Sandipan Mukherjee   sandipanmukherjee@hotmail.com     sandipan@gbpihed.nic.in